Legal Services in Prague, Czech Republic

P Novotny CZ Attoney at Law
JUDr. Petr Novotný
Attorney at Law
We are a dynamically developing law firm with more than 14 years experience and over 1.000 customers. We speak Czech and English and provide advisory services and legal support to both individuals and legal entities. We are ready to help Expats navigate and succeed in the Czech legal environment.

We seek solutions and pride ourselves on quality, speed and a human approach.
To expedite work, we operate online, but we are also happy to meet with you in person in Prague.
P Mlich CZ Attoney at Law
Mgr. Petr Mlich
Legal Clerk
Our expertise in general law, commercial law and family law includes:
  • Legal advice for private individuals and Czech legal entities,
  • Drafting contracts, legal documents commercial- and family relationships,
  • Sales / Purchase contracts for realestate,
  • Representing clients in legal disputes,
  • Dealing with authorities on behalf of the client

Legal Services Contact Form
