How to find IČO and other business data in ARES

1: How to find the IČO (Company Registration Number) of a sro company

If you are not sure what the IČO is, look it up in the ARES system by entering (part of) the (company) name and clicking 'Vyhledat'. It will show a table and the number under IČ is what you are looking for. The DIČ (Tax ID) for a company is the same as the IČO.


2: How to find the sídlo (business seat), Tax Office, trade licenses and directors

Now click on 'OR' - This will open a new tab in your browser.

'sídlo' is the business seat of the company, and this usually means that in that city is its Tax Office.

If you scroll down there is more data on the company to be found:
  • trade licenses of the company
  • basic capital of the company
  • directors of the company
  • shareholders of the company

1: Find the IČO of a trade license (živnostenský list)

If you are not sure what the IČO is, look it up in the ARES system by entering (part of) the name and clicking 'Vyhledat'. Common names may display multiple results. It will show a table and the number under IČ is what you are looking for.

If you see two or more rows of data, then it means this person also is director or member of an entity registered at Commercial Court. Greyed-out data means previous (not active) registrations.
In this case, select the row that has at the right 'RŽP' in it (this is the personal trade license).

Note that he DIC (Tax ID) for a tradelicense is NOT is the same as the ICO. The DIC (Tax ID) for a trade license can not be looked up online, it shows on the Tax Registration Form. In case the person has a rodné číslo (Birth Number) then the DIČ should be equal to the rodné číslo (should: there are foreigners who do not have a rodné číslo or got it later than their DIČ, and so the numbers are different - this must be corrected if this is the case.)

2: Find the sidlo (place of business), Tax Office, trade licenses, residence address

Now click on 'RŽP' - This will open a new tab in your browser.

sidlo (place of business) is the address where the trade license is registered.
(but the city of the sidlo is not by default the right Tax Office,
because Tax / Social / Health registrations are linked to the residence address ('pobyt') of a person)

'pobyt' is the residence address of the person, and that city is the Tax Office, because for persons it is the address of living that counts, not the address where the business activities take place.

If you scroll down there are the trade licenses the person is using.
